Giving Opportunities at Taylor's Valley
General Fund Budget -- everday operations, Bible study and education programs, music, outreach and missions.  Thirteen percent (13%) of our budget supports missions in our local communities, and through the BGCT and SBC, missions in the state and around the world.

Acts 1:8 -- every December, we collect offerings to be divided between the Annie Armstrong, Mary Hill Davis and Lottie Moon programs administered through the BGCT.

Benevolence -- used at the discretion of the pastor for emergency needs (usually for our own members), such as utilities, transportation, etc. This fund is usually replenished by a special Sunday night offering whenever the fund runs low.

Boutwell Mortgage -- funds are applied directly ot reduce the mortgage balance outstanding on our facilities at 6911 Boutwell Drive.

Building Fund -- funds are used to pay for improvements and/or unexpected major repairs to existing facilities not covered by the General Fund Maintenance Budget

Kitchen Equipment -- funds are used to replace or purchase equipment for the kitchen

Library Fund -- funds are used to purchase books or equipment not provided through the General Fund Budget

Pantry -- funds are used to supplement the operation of the community food pantry operated by the Couples II class

Playground -- for the construction of a playground, including site costs, fencing and equipment

Missions -- TVBC member and staff missions.  For the past two years, a team has ministered to the Lenca people in Honduras. The local group with whom we partner there has asked for a five year commitment to continue to grow this mission opportunity and dispel the widely held local belief that "they come once and never come back".  Review our proposed strategy here.

Van -- funds left over from the purchase of the church van, used for future repairs or extensive maintenance

Video -- for the purchase of equipment and related operating costs to permit recording of worship services and making them available to those unable to attend

Ministry Related -- for events, activities or equipment for which General Fund Budget dollars are not available.  For Children, College, Music, Singles or Youth.